About Me

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I am a mother of two girls and live in a two hundred year old house in a Dorset village. I love to bake, knit and sew. I love social history and collect vintage everything, I sell the overspill on Etsy

Friday, May 13, 2016

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strange)

Changes, boy have there been some but I am back, after four years. During those years I have had good times, most excellent times, bad times, sad times and some very mad times but I'm here and I am back to stay. I'll write a proper post later today but I just want to say how great it is to have found my blog again (That was no mean feat) and to have my little, illustrated internet diary under my wing again. The photo is of one of the latest additions to the family, Ferris who has just turned one.

1 comment:

Lyn Warner said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I enjoyed reading some of your previous blog posts and love your photos. What a sweet little kitty!